In the cradle of Etruscan civilisation, as is well known, the necropolis extends for 450 hectares around the city, such as the Banditaccia one, which is well-preserved and open to the public everyday.

You can admire the Etruscan burial used from the IX century B.C. until the Roman domination. The entryway is located in a suggestive long tree-lined driveway at the bottom of Cerveteri city. The Bracciano Castle, the manor belonging to the noble Odescalchi family, is one of the most beautiful and massive Renaissance abodes in Europe. It is open everyday and you can visit the halls of the noble floor, the kitchens and the armory. The visit includes 20 halls which are furnished and decorated with valuable collections able to charm and captivate visitors in a cultural and historical tour focused on six centuries of History. You can walk down the loggias and patrol walkways with corners offering stunning sights over the lake and its surroundings. The gardens make part of the visit and they are incredibly worthwhile.

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