Located among cypresses and Mediterranean pine trees, the ruins of the harbor of Ancient Rome, more than other ruins of the capital city, reveal slices of daily life and construction methods of the past. Starting from Rome, we will walk down the path leading to the sea and after 30 minutes of hiking we will reach Ostia Antica, the Roman city of the Imperial Age whose name comes from the latin word “Ostium” (outlet of the river), mouth of Tiber river. Ostia was founded in the IV century B.C. approximately, by king Anco Marzio and it developed a thriving trading activity until the Barbarian invasions and the silting of Tiber river which both marked the decay of Ostia. The Ostia Antica excavations started in the early years of the last century and they have brought to light an ancient city with all the aspects of the roman culture concerning a period of approximately 900 years, from IV century B.C. to IV A.D.

The stroll with our guide among the ruins will make us learn about the cultural and social life of this interesting shopping mall. Immediately after the entrance we will go down the Graves’ route which constitutes the entryway to the ancient Roman Door which opens the way to the main street: the Decumanus Maximus which crosses the city from Northeast to Southwest.

Next, we will visit the Baths of Neptune from whence we can look at the famous mosaics of Neptune and Amphitrite, Agrippa’s Theatre and the Forum, the heart of the city. There, we can find the main public and worship premises: the Capitolium, the Augustus and Rome’s Temple, the Basilica and the great baths of the Forum. Furthermore, in the forecourt of the Forum there are Diana’s House and Thermopolium, which is an ancient Roman cafe. Down the road there is the Ostiense Museum which preserves the best pieces from the excavations.

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