
State Funeral

Funeral of the Hon. David Sassoli

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Funeral of the Hon. David Sassoli

Funerali On. David Sassoli-gabbiaservices

The State Funeral of the Hon. David Sassoli were celebrated on Friday 14 January in Rome, at the Basilica of Santa Maria degli Angeli e dei Martiri, in Piazza della Repubblica.

Basilica di Santa Maria degli Angeli e dei Martiri-gabbiaservices

Many personalities to pay tribute to the President of the European Parliament.

Among these, in addition to the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella and the President of the Council Mario Draghi, and the highest offices of the Italian State, there were many European institutional offices.

There were also many ordinary people who felt it was their duty to participate to pay homage.

Sergio Mattarella e Roberto Gualtieri


Sergio Mattarella, Maria E. Casellati, Roberto Fico, Mario Draghi, Ursula Von Der Leyen

Funerali On. Sassoli-Cariche di Stato-gabbiaservices

Ursula Von Der Leyen, current president of the European Commission, visibly moved, paid homage to her colleague and friend, with words of profound esteem and admiration.

On. Sassoli-Von der Leyen-gabbiaservices

The ambassador of the Czech Republic, Hana Hubáčková, also came to give the last farewell to the Hon. David Sassoli.


Hana Hubáčková-gabbiaservices

The Embassy itself requested our services during the day of the finerals.

The state flight from the Czech Republic arrived in the morning of the same day.

Here are some pictures:

Arrival of the State Flight in Ciampino


Arrival of the Ambassador in the Basilica


We thank the Embassy of the Czech Republic for the opportunity and the trust it has been placing in us for years, we are proud of all of this.

We also take this opportunity to extend our deepest condolences to the family of the Hon. Sassoli.

The many people present in the Basilica testify to the great person he has been and to the excellent work he has done in all these years.



  • Italiano

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