

The Janiculum

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The Janiculum

Il Giancilo-gabbiaservices

The Janiculum, considered the eighth hill of Rome, is a pleasant place to stroll, enjoying the extraordinary views of the city.

It became very popular for  to the important historical role it occupied in defending the city.

Having become the scene of the battle in which Garibaldi fought the French troops, its summit is now full of sculptures in homage to the Italian patriot.

What to see in the Janiculum area

The Janiculum is a very pleasant area for walking, with its cheerful environment, away from the chaos of the city.

Usually there are activities for children, such as puppet shows or pony rides.

These are some of the most interesting places to visit in the area:

The Fountain of Acqua Paola 

La Fontana dell'Acqua Paola – Michelangelo Buonarroti è tornato

Fontanone del Gianicolo-gabbiaservices

The Fountain of Acqua Paola:

also called Fontanone, in Roman jargon: It is a monumental marble fountain, created in the 17th century to celebrate the reopening of the ancient Roman aqueduct.

Manfredi lighthouse

IL faro Manfredi - gabbiaservices

Faro Manfredi-gabbiaservices

Faro Manfredi-gabbiaservices

Manfredi lighthouse:

the beautiful lighthouse built in 1911 was a gift from the Italians who emigrated to Argentina.

Church of San Pietro in Montorio

 La chiesa di San Pietro in Montorio -gabbiaservices

Il Tempietto di San Pietro in Montorio - gabbiaservices

San Pietro in Montorio-gabbiaservices

Roma La chiesa di San Pietro in Montorio-gabbiaservices

Church of San Pietro in Montorio:

Part of a Franciscan monastery, the church remained open to the public until today. In its courtyard is the Tempietto di Bramante, a small temple erected in the place where St. Peter was crucified.

It is a favorite destination for many, to celebrate their wedding, thanks to the splendid view of the whole city that it offers.

Garibaldi statue

Statua garibaldi-gabbiaservices

La storia della statua di Anita Garibaldi al Gianicolo-gabbiaservices

Monument to Garibaldi:

The bronze equestrian statue depicting Garibaldi is part of the park that commemorates the resistance on the Janiculum Hill against the French army in 1849.

In the splendid setting of the Janiculum there is also the Banbin Gesù hospital, owned by the Vatican City.

Its fame for the care of pediatric and neo-infantile patients is a source of pride all over the world …

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Venezia Square

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Venezia Square

Venezia Square  is located at the foot of the Campidoglio, where five of the most important streets of the capital intersect:

via dei Fori Imperiali, via del Corso, the axis via C. Battisti-via Nazionale, the axis via del Plebiscito-corso Vittorio and via del Teatro di Marcello.

Piazza Venezia-gabbiservices

The square is dominated by the Altar of the Fatherland.


Three monumental palaces surround it on the other sides.

The oldest is the fifteenth-century Palazzo Venezia,

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which gives its name to the square and which is home to the homonymous national museum.

The other palaces are the seventeenth-century Bonaparte Building.

Palazzo Bonaparte-gabbiaservices

and the Building of  Generali’s Insurence , built in the early twentieth century.

Palazzo delle Generali-gabbiaservices

On Venezia Square there are the boundaries of three districts:

to the west of it extends the Pigna district, to the east the Trevi district and to the south the Campitelli district.

Five important streets that branch off from Venezia Square make it a fundamental node of the urban fabric.

The oldest is the central Via del Corso, which connects the square with the northern part of the capital.

The route of Via del Corso dates back to 220 BC, following that of the urban stretch of the Via Flaminia, one of the most important consular roads.

Altar of the Fatherland is also called Vittoriano…

Altare della Patria-gabbiaservices

The Vittoriano complex was built to celebrate and initially remember Vittorio Emanuele II of Savoy, the first King of Italy.

It is also considered one of the monuments, symbol of the Eternal City and the country.

The monument was built between 1885 and 1911, and in fact represents the unity of the country and “love of country”.

The Unknown Soldier( Venezia Square)

In November 1923 the body of the unknown soldier was buried in the heart of the Vittoriano, to celebrate the victims who fell in the war.

In 1935, following the intervention of the architect Armando Brasini, the homonymous area dedicated to the Central Institute for the Risorgimento and its Museum, inaugurated on May 24 of the same year, was finally designed and built.

A monument, highly symbolic, immediately thought of as a place not only to look at but also to live, with museums and exhibition spaces, where great art exhibitions are held.

During the Christmas period the square lends itself to hosting the Christmas tree.



Farnese Square

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Farnese Square


Piazza Farnese-gabbiaservices

The square takes its name from the imposing Farnese Palace.

Farnese Palace

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The Palace was built for Cardinal Alessandro Farnese by the greatest artists of the time.

Let’s talk about, Antonio da Sangallo Il Giovane, Michelangelo Buonarroti, Jacopo Barozzi called Vignola and Giacomo Della Porta.

The square began to be so named when the aforementioned Cardinal Farnese bought the houses of Cardinal Ferritz and others that he demolished, to make it a square where he built his splendid residence.

The palace was begun in 1514 on designs by Antonio da Sangallo Il Giovane.

Subsequently, both for the election of the cardinal as pontiff (Paul III) in 1534 and following the death of Sangallo (1546), the work was continued by Michelangelo.

Michelangelo, defined the layout of the first two floors,

he erected the third and embellished the façade with the central balcony and the splendid projecting cornice.

The material used for the construction of the palace was taken from the ruins of Ostia and those of the “Temple of the Sun”.

The travertine used was that from the quarries of Tivoli, while the beams for the ceilings of the palace, of exceptional proportions, were brought from the woods of Carnia.

It was nicknamed “the dice” for its square size, but it is also considered one of the four wonders of Rome.

In 1874 the French Embassy took up the palace through a lease with the Bourbons.


Purchased by France in 1911, the palace was resold to the Italian State in 1936, the year in which the two States signed an agreement to lease the two embassies,

the Italian one in Paris and the one French in Rome, for 99 years with emphyteutical rent.

The Fountains of Farnese Square



In the square there are also two beautiful fountains, consisting of two Egyptian granite tanks from the Baths of Caracalla.

In 1545 Paul III Farnese had one transported in front of his palace.

At the center of the then  Del Duca Square (today Farnese), it was brought only for ornamental reasons as there was not enough water to feed the fountain.

In 1580 Cardinal Alessandro Farnese obtained permission from Pope Gregory XIII to take the second,

both still with a purely ornamental function.

It was Girolamo Rainaldi in 1626 who adapted them to fountains.

He attached them to the condes of the Acqua Paola, after Cardinal Odoardo Farnese obtained from Pope Gregory XV 40 ounces of water for the realization of the work.

The two pools are decorated with lion protomes and with relief rings and resting on as many travertine pools.

They have in the center two cups that support the Farnese lilies (originally in travertine, then redone in marble in the restoration work of 1938) from which gusps of water rise.

The square was long used as a space used for the organization of tournaments, bullfights and popular festivals.

Church of Santa Brigida in the heart of Farnese Square

On the right side of the square there is a building complex consisting of the church of Santa Brigida.

Del Gallo of Roccagiovine Palace

Another civil architecture that ennobles the square is Del Gallo of Roccagiovine Palace, today home to a lucky few.

What makes this palace unique is the magnificent staircase in the courtyard.


Farnese Square together with Campo Dé Fiori Square, both adjacent, are considered as favorite destinations for Romans and tourists for a walk.

Rich in clubs and restaurants, they are the best choice to spend an evening full of fun admiring, between a glass of wine and a plate of pasta, the history that characterizes them.

Campo Dé Fiori Square

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The square of Campo de ‘Fiori was built in 1456 by order of Pope Calisto III in the place where before there was a field of flowers, as its name indicates.

After the restructuring of the area and the construction of notable buildings, such as Palazzo Orsini, the square became a very popular place for the most important personalities of the city.

Campo de ‘Fiori became a prosperous place, full of craft shops and hotels.

In the past, a horse market was held twice a week.

The square was also the place where executions were held.

Today, in memory of the executions committed, there is the imposing statue of Giordano Bruno in the center of the square.

This famous philosopher was burned in the square in 1600 on charges of heresy.

In 1889 this monument was installed in his honor.

The Square Today

Nowadays Campo de ‘Fiori is one of the most famous spots in the capital.

Since 1869, a market of food, flowers and other products has been held every morning from Monday to Saturday.

In the evening, Campo de ‘Fiori is a perfect area for dining in one of its outdoor venues.

The square in the evening.


This square is today one of the most picturesque places in the city.

Located near Farnese Square, on the road to Navona Square, it has maintained the charm of ancient Rome, animated every morning by a picturesque market with its wooden stalls.

The rest of the day, its many bars and terraces bring the place to life.

In the evening, many young Romans gather around the statue of Giordano Bruno, to relax, talk, have a beer, talk, …

Favorite destination of tourists from all over the world today in Piazza Campo dé Fiori it is possible to stay thanks to the presence of various accommodation facilities such as B & Bs and Hotels.




Navona Square

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Navona Square

Piazza Navona. Il più Celebre Capolavoro del Barocco a Roma

Navona Square is one of the most famous monumental squares in Rome.


In ancient times, it was born as, the “Domitian Stadium” built at the behest of Domitian, perhaps even before 86 AD, to serve the Greek athletic games, which he particularly appreciated, but which the Romans did not like, considering them immoral.


The structure has a length of 265 meters and a width of 106.

Birth of Navona Square

The life of Navona Square began only in the mid-fifteenth century, at the behest of Innocenzo X, of the Pamphili family, who had the buildings that now surround the square built, occupying where the tiers were previously.

It took the place of the ancient Domitian Stadium, becoming a fixed point of sale for vegetables, meats and various goods.

Place of market and meeting, the square also became the place of parties and processions.

Navona Square is a symbol of Baroque Rome, with architectural and sculptural elements by Gian Lorenzo Bernini.

Piazza Navona –

The Fountains

Famous work of Benini is the Fountain of the Four Rivers in the center of the square, which represents the Danube, the Ganges, the Nile and the Rio della Plata, that is the four corners of the earth.

Two other fountains rise inside the square, Moro Fontain, located on the southern side which represents three dolphins holding up a snail, from which a jet of water splashes,

and Nettuno Fontain , which represents Neptune with the trident. defending itself from an octopus.

Navona Square today.

Today the square is surrounded by clubs, bars and restaurants, where you can sip a coffee while admiring the wonders of the square.

It is located a stone’s throw from the beautiful Campo dè Fiori Square, still famous today where the local market takes place every morning.

Also nearby is the majestic Farnese Square, site of the French embassy.

Behind the square stands the imposing monument of the Pantheon.

During the Christmas period, with the feast of the Epiphany, the square is filled with stalls, toys, as if not wanting to abandon the joy that has characterized the square for centuries.


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